Elly Johnson


Elly Johnson is a passionate and dedicated writer who is always learning more about humans and the ways we work. She got her B.A. in Psychology at the University of South Florida where she studied topics like neuroscience, behavioral psychology, sociology, and cultural psychology. Outside of writing, Elly enjoys playing piano, producing music, video games, and jiu-jitsu.

For the past decade, Ben has built a career devoted to mental health treatment modalities based on promising innovations in brain-based technology and research. During his graduate school studies at Columbia University, where he received his Master of Science degree in Neuroscience and Education, Ben developed a specialty in clinical neuromodulation and neuroimaging.

During this time, he used brain scans to predict off-label uses for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation therapy (TMS), neurofeedback, and ketamine.

In 2018, Ben decided to establish his own mental health center built around personalized combinations of evidence-based treatments. He wanted to assist individuals who had tried the usual methods like medication and therapy, but were not experiencing improvement.

Through his neuroscience research, he discovered a number of different ways to individualize these innovative treatments after finding that no one was utilizing these techniques in the way he envisioned. He built an exceptional clinical team and launched his center in July 2019.

During his time in graduate school, his passion for mental health treatment and love of neuroscience led him to establish TMS & Brain Health, a center for innovative, brain-based treatments such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Ketamine Infusions for various mental health disorders. With time, his business evolved into Bespoke Treatment, which now provides innovative mental health treatment on an individualized basis across the country.

Ben’s research has been published in prestigious journals such as Brain Stimulation and ACR Open Rheumatology. He has also presented at:

The Clinical TMS Society

The International Neuropsychological Society

Western Psychological Association

Despite his success in bringing cutting-edge mental health solutions into many peoples’ lives, Ben has personally grappled with significant mental health struggles, including ADHD and depression in his own life. 


At the age of 20, after having dropped out of college due to his challenges as a student, Ben began taking antidepressants and was able to return to school. While taking his first neuroscience course, he learned about a job opening to become a “neurofeedback technician.” 


Feeling inspired by neurofeedback’s ability to help people, and amazed by the autonomous healing neurofeedback can offer to the brain, Ben soon immersed himself in neurofeedback literature, stopped taking his antidepressants, and improved his own brain’s health. 


He was accepted into the Neuroscience and Education master’s program at Columbia University, where he focused on a field called clinical neuromodulation, which involves non-pharmaceutical treatments that can directly alter the brain to treat various disorders. 


Like most people, he was somewhat familiar with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) popularized in movies like “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” or “Requiem For A Dream,” but was less familiar with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, a treatment FDA-approved for Major Depressive Disorder in 2008. While researching TMS, Ben became fascinated by the treatment’s ability to gently activate specific parts of the brain associated with depression.


The primary advantage of TMS is that it can directly act on the parts of the brain affected by depression without causing any of the side effects associated with antidepressant medication. During his time in graduate school, Ben worked at a TMS center and witnessed its effectiveness firsthand. He saw people in emotionally dark places—much like he had been years ago—completely transform in a short period of time.

Academic Research & Studies

Ben’s academic research is well-documented and has been cited over 40 times, demonstrating his established expertise in brain health, addiction, and mental health treatment.

Verbal and spatial working memory among drug-using HIV-infected men and women

Eileen Martin, M. K. Keutmann, J. S. Fogel, P. M. Maki, R. Gonzalez, J. Vassileva, L. H. Rubin, D. Hardy 2018

Virtual Reality-Based Biofeedback and Guided Meditation in Rheumatology: A Pilot Study

RS Venuturupalli, T. Chu, M. Vicari, A. Kumar, N. Fortune, B. Spielberg 2019

Linked ears QEEG may lack sensitivity for psychiatric evaluation: A case study

S.Menolascino, M. Belgin, G. Izzo, B. Spielberg, L. Fisher 2018

Making the case for individualized TMS protocols: Full recovery using 16 Hz LDLPFC TMS

S.Menolascino, M. Belgin, G. Izzo, B. Spielberg, L. Fisher 2018

Featured Media Appearance

Ben has also built a noteworthy media reputation by offering expert insight on numerous popular publications including:

Elly Johnson's Recent Blog Posts


What is DBT?

DBT stands for dialectical behavior therapy; DBT is a type of psychotherapy that was developed by Dr. Marsha M. Linehan in the 1980s as a

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